Sponsor or Build a Home
Commit to providing a home in Phase 1 of The Other Side Village and help create a secure future for an individual who has been chronically homeless.
Capital Campaign or Corporate donors of $25,000 or more will have the opportunity to participate in building a portion of a home in a supervised environment.
Opportunities to participate in these donor builds will be available on a scheduled basis. Each build can accommodate about 6 building crew volunteers, working with skilled leads for 4-5 hours.
If you are a Licensed Builder and want to help, click here
Don’t Want to Get Your Hands Dirty? Support our Custom Home Builds Instead
- $10,000 Provides the home furnishings to make a house a home
- $25,000 Home sponsorships provide materials for all custom homes constructed by licensed builders
- $55,000 Provides for the materials and labor to build one home
- $65,000 This provides the materials and labor to build one home with all the furnishings
- $70,000 These sponsorships provide custom wheelchair-friendly park homes constructed by licensed builders
For more information on sponsoring to build a home, or to visit the home sites, email build@theothersidevillage.com